About Us
About Credence
Credence Analytics is Global Solution Provider Of Mission-Critical Software And IT Services.
Services which help automate processes in Banks, Asset Management Companies, Insurance Companies, Non-Banking Finance Companies and Corporate Finance Departments in the areas of Treasury, Investment Portfolio Management, Fund Administration, Investor Servicing and Risk Management. Founded in 1993 and headquartered in Mumbai, India, Credence has over 200 professionals operating out of South Asia, South-East Asia, Middle East and Africa.
Our products & solutions are used by over 1000 Financial Market professionals in 6+ countries. Over the past two decades we have built strong domain expertise in areas of Treasury, Wealth, Investment, Portfolio, Forex Management & Investor Servicing coupled with world class technology, delivery and support which help our clients stay ahead of the market and innovation curve. This is the reason why a majority of our customers have been associated with us for more than a decade.
Credence strength is founded in its 4 P's i.e. People, Product, Processes and Partnerships. On the Product side our strengths truly reflects in its design, modular architecture and stability. It is an ideal platform for consolidation, simplification and growth. We help our customers to reduce the total number of systems in use, simplify their architecture, streamline processes and improve efficiency, while lowering the total costs of ownership (TCO). Our adaptable architecture and design allows our customers to manage large volumes and scale, comply with ever changing regulatory landscape and achieve technological competitiveness with their growing businesses.

To become the most trusted global solution provider to financial institutions by addressing their ever dynamic business needs aiming at operational efficiency, ROI, automation and innovation.

Our mission is to significantly enhance and empower the client's decision making process to significantly enhance and empower the client's decision making process by providing knowledge-based services and being the preferred solution provider.

Mission Statement
Any company is a group of individuals united in common beliefs and values.
The mission statement of Credence Analytics is elaborated in value system adopted by the company for a long time. The values system can be defined from three different perspectives.
- How do we want our customers perceive us?
- How do we want to help our customers?
- How do we treat each individual of this group called Credence Analytics?
The “Credence Credo” tries to answer these questions. The Credo has three pivots that are intrinsically linked together. Each of these pivots enables us to define ourselves and also establish the linkage to the other two pivots.

Credence Credo

Significant value add to customers business using Domian & Technology strive to meet and better commitments to clients

Comprehensive training courses that cover both products and services.

No cost for basic training. Partners are able to install and support customer sites.g. Partners are able to install and support customer sites.